Friday, August 28, 2009

jet lag - sleep - 10 hour car rides - sleep - elephants and hippos - sleep - baboon on porch - sleep - beautiful people - sleep - beautiful world

We arrived in Uganda around 7:30ish on Monday morning. We spent most of the day Monday just relaxing and trying to get over the long flights and I began running again. Well actually that is the only

time since I have been here that I ran because we have been travel

ing, but oh well. The traffic in Uganda is CRAZY and they drive on the left side of the road.

Early Tuesday morning we all cram into our wonderful bus with leopard print seats and personally inserted seats so that all 15 students, 1 RC, 1 assistant director, 1 bus driver, and way to much luggage can fit. We drove about 10 hours (crossing over the equator) to the Queen Elizabeth Game Camp.

6:30 a.m. Wednesday mo

rning we wake up to go on our first Safari where we watch the sunrise over the African plain. All morning we saw tons of Elephants, Cope Buffalo, an animal that looks similar to Antelopes, tons of Warthogs, Water Buck, and 2 Lions. (I kept

thinking about how much my Dad would have loved the Safari since we saw so much wildlife) We also drove down to a fishing community where we got to play with kids for a little while. We returned home around 10ish and then around 3 we loaded a boat to take a boat ride on Lake George and Lake Edward. In between trips we were relaxing in the house at the hostel we were staying at and we all of a sudden her a backing noise. We looked outside and there

was a baboon walking on our back porch! The boat trip we took at 3 was even better than the morning safari! We were able to see TONS of hippos and even more buffalo. Then we saw elephants even closer! They were right on the shore line playing in the water, it was AMAZING! They took the boat pretty close to the shore and the elephants didn’t like it too much. We also we

nt past a sandy area that h

ad hundreds of birds!

Thursday morning we left at

6:30 again for another morning Safari drive. We saw a lot of the same things we saw the first day except this time we saw hyenas and six lions, but sadly the lions are pretty far aw

ay. After we packed up our stuff we drove to another camp in the Queen Elizabeth Game Camp called Simba Camp. We stayed here for one night.

Friday morning we got left at 7:00 a.m. to drive to Kigali, Rwanda (where we will be spending the next month or so).


This trip has been AMAZING so far! I have seen so many awesome animals in their natural habitat as well as some beautiful country side. I have also met some pretty great people! I met these people about a week ago and we have already becoming really close to each other and have had some pretty great conversations. Classes start on Monday and I look forward to getting into a routine and start becoming part of the local community. In about two weeks we have practicum fair where we hear all about the different practicums we could do and where we pick our top three favorites. After that they choose which one we will do. Our practicum is after our month stay in Rwanda in could be any where in Rwanda, Uganda, or Ethopia. It will last for almost 4 weeks. I’m getting really excited about that too! I can’t wait to see where I will be going! After practicum we travel back to Uganda to spend our last month or so studying there. This semester is going to go fast but I’m excited to see what the Lord has planned!

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