Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What makes me any more worthy?

There are people all over the world starving, with only one pair of clothes, no roof over their head, who work eight hours a day to earn one dollar a day that will go to feeding 5 children. These people don't have the access to get out of the situation they are in. These people were born into this situation. They were born into a community that did not have access or a community full of turmoil or a family that was abusive. These people didn't ask for this life, they just got it. So what makes me different? What makes me more worthy of a better life than these people? Some people are born with HIV/AIDS, some are born with no fathers, some are born and then sold into sex trade. Why them? Why not me? I am blessed with access to education, daily food, a multitude of clothes, opportunities. I have a family that wouldn't allow me to fail, they wouldn't allow me live a life of pain. I am healthy, I have a variety of foods to choose from, I have protection from the dangers in the world. This is the protection that as a teenager I hated, but as an adult I am blessed to have. Protection from a world of pain. So what makes us different? Why did God choose for me to live here and them to live there? I work at the Rec Center for 4 hours a week where I earn roughly $28, I'm a student so this might not be the greatest comparison. All I do at this job is sit there, make sure the doors are locked, and provided students with athletic equipment. People all over the world work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week earning $1 a day. These jobs include sitting outside in the blazing sun digging. Eight straight hours of digging. These people have callused hands and soar backs, but they earn that dollar. Why do they have to work so hard for so little, when I have the access to working so little for so much? Doesn't something about this not seem right?
All these thoughts came after lil meg and I had a talk about our practicum papers. ... Oh and I am big meg.